Saturday is drawing nearer and so far I have managed to accumulate little piles of 'things' around my room.
One pile consists of :
- A bath towel
- A hand towel
- A skirt
- A tshirt
The other pile is slightly more extravagant than the first which consists of :
- Trainers
- Court shoes (lovely)
- 2 bras (one white & one black)
- A Pink Ringbinder & A4 document wallet
- 4 holiday brochures (from the company I work for)
- Toothpaste , shower gel, shampoo & conditioner
- All stationary including 5 lots of post it notes and a pink stapler!
I am sitting and looking at my sketchers shoebox keeping all my toiletries and stationary together and it is reminding me highly of those shoe boxes you fill for the unfortunates in africa at christmas!
I keep looking at my piles of 'things' and smiling to myself thinking 'oooh everything just needs to go in my case and I am done'. Well . . . No . . . reality is . . . hardly anything is ready . . . I have one daytime outfit ready and that is it . . . I have no pyjamas or underwear packed let alone the . . . 'dress to impress' outfit needed for the last night!
For the past few years I have decided I am no longer going to be one of those last minute people who do everything at the last minute but the truth is . . . I still am and I probably will be for a long time! When something is new and fresh I get excited and have a momentary burst of 'getting everything ready' in which I will do one thing . . . (sometimes not even that) . . . get bored and think I have lots of time and therefore . . . leave it till last minute!
I am even doing it now . . . I am sitting here . . . moaning about the fact nothing is getting done . . . when infact in the time it has taken me to write this . . . half my case could have been packed!
Wednesday is the day . . . This is what i have decided . . . Wednesday is the day when I am going to go through everything . . . realise I have no where near everything I need . . , thus sending me into panic mode and having to rush out and buy things which I am convinced i need!